Albatross: Sea birds; North Pacific, off the American coast.
Alpaca: Animal found in Chile (South America).
Anatolian goat: Angora wool is sheered from this goat.
Beaver: found in Europe (Russia and Poland) and North America. It is a genus of mammals of the Rodentia order with short scaly ears and webbed hind feet and broad flat muscular tail. It attains a length of 2.5 to 3 ft. Its skin is of considerable commercial value. It is noted for ingenuity and industry in building houses and damming shallow streams. It is also valued for its reddish brown fur and a secretion castoreum (caster oil) used in medicines and perfumes.
Camel: Found in deserts of Arabia and India. It has long legs with padded feet, a long neck with a hump on its back. Its hump is made up of fat and is a store-house for food. It can also store water in the stomach and can go for days without a drink.
Caribou: is an animal, also called reindeer.
Chameleon: It is a family of lizards of which these are numerous species. The common chameleon is a native of Africa. It is about 12 inches long including tail. Chameleon is remarkable for its power of changing colour to resemble its surroundings when surprised—a power that is due to the presence of pigment bearing cells beneath the skin. It is slow in movement.
Chamois: a species of antelope and a native of Western Europe and Asia; from its flesh, chamois leather is made. It is not much larger than a goat and lives in mountainous regions. It possesses wonderful leaping power and is difficult to capture.
Cheeta: Found in India and Africa.
Cod: are well-known food-fish. These are found in abundance on the British coast and on the banks laying off Newfoundland. The extraction of oil which these cod fish yield forms an important industry.
Corals: Small marine animals closely related to sea-anemone, found mainly in the Mediterranean; also found in the Pacific and in the Indian Ocean.
Dinosaur: a group of extinct reptiles of the Mesozoic period, some of which were of immense size. Diplodocus is one of the best known of the extinct mammoth dinosaurs. Fossil remains have been discovered in the Jurassic rocks of the United States. Some reach a length of over 80 ft. Dinosaurs roamed the earth about 180 million years ago.
Elephant: Found in Africa and India. It is the largest existing quadruped 8 to 14 ft. in height weighing up to five tons. Usually dark grey in colour, small eyes, large ears and nose extending to form trunk which almost reaches the ground and is flexible. Both males and females have large ivory tusks of considerable commercial value. The Indian elephant is domesticated and used as a beast of burden. An elephant can carry up to 2,000 lbs. on long journeys maintaining a pace of about 6 km per hour.
Emu: running bird of Australia. It is the largest of living birds after the Ostrich.
Giraffe: Found in Africa and South Sahara except in the Congo forests. It is the tallest of existing animals reaching a height of 18 to 20 ft. when fully grown. It is of high fawn colour marked with dark spots and has a prehensile tongue. Its sloping back and elongated neck seem to be the natural evolution of an animal that has to feed on the branches of trees.
Gnu: Animal found in East Africa.
Guano: Bird; west coast of South America; Africa.
Hamdaryad: Large snake 12-14 ft. long extremely poisonous; found in India, Philippines and South China.
Herring: a common sea-fish abounding in northern seas and found in large numbers round the British coasts.
Ibex: wild goats of several species, the male having exceedingly curved ridged horns; found in the mountain regions of Europe, Asia and Africa.
Ilama: a dwarf camel-like animal found in South America. It has no hump, but has a long neck and is used as a beast of burden.
Kangaroo: is a pouched (marsupial) mammal of Australia and adjacent islands. It can leap in a succession of springly bounds 10-20 ft. long, the fore-feet not touching the ground. It can reach a height of over 6 ft.
Kiwi: flightless bird; found in New Zealand; now very rare. It is little larger than a domestic hen and lays astonishingly large eggs for their size. It is nocturnal in habit. Its feathers are hair-like and it has rudimentary wings concealed by the plumage.
Koala: Animal found in Australia.
Ladybird: It is an insect usually of a red or yellow colour with small coloured or black spots.
Lion: Found in Gujarat Kathiawar jungles in India; Africa.
Musk-deer: Animal found in North Canada.
Mustang: Animal found in American prairies.
Nightingale: A singing bird found in India.
Octopus: a genus of marine molluscs with eight tentacles that bear suckers.
Ostrich: is the largest living bird now found only on the sandy plains of Africa and parts of South West Asia. The male has beautiful white plumes on wings and tails. The wings are useless for flight, but the birds have a fleetness of foot exceeding that of the swiftest horse. Its egg weighs 3 lbs.
Penguin: is a genus of large birds with small wings and webbed feet. They exist in enormous numbers in the Southern Ocean and Antarctic Sea. Penguins breed on the rocky coast, and in the season are to be seen in vast numbers standing erect over their eggs. They are facile swimmers, and live on fish.
Plover: Bird; common in all continents except Africa and South America.
Puma: a carnivorous quardruped of North America. It is called “American Lion”. It is smaller than lion. It seldom attains a length of more than 40 in., exclusive of tail and a height of 2 ft.
Reindeer: A genus of deer horned in both sexes; Siberia. It is also called
Rhinoceros: In the swamps of Assam and Sunderbans; South-East Asia; Africa.
Seal: Fish found in Northern Russia.
Sea Lions: One of the families of Seal found in the Pacific.
Shark: a large and powerful ocean fish, mostly found in tropical seas. Oil is obtained from its liver.
Trout: A fresh water fish of the Salmonidoe family; found in Kashmir.
Walrus: A very large marine mammal related to the Seals; Arctic Sea.
Yak: A curious long-haired ox, found in Tibet.
Yeti: or the abominable snow-man of the high Himalayas is variously described as being from 6 to 12 ft. tall half-Gorrilla-like, with shaggy body and hairless face. His foot-prints have been seen and photographed many times.
Zebra: African quadruped of whitish-grey colour with regular black stripes.
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